Friday, July 18, 2003



“Adu Dawood! Today you have purchased Paradise for just three dirhams.” Abu Dawood, the great compiler of the Traditions of Prophet (SAW) heard this, but no one was in sight, who could have said it. It was from “Gheyb”. The story is that once Imam Abu Dawood was standing by the riverbank. Water was shallow, and that is why a ship was anchored at a distance and couldn’t sail to the shore. A person in the ship sneezed, and said “Alhamdulillah”. The voice was so loud that Abu Dawood heard it. Instantly he recalled that Hadith of Prophet (SAW), in which it was required to respond it with “Yarhamukallah” It applies only when you are together and close to each other. It doesn’t require you to leave home to respond if someone sneezes in the market place and says Alhamdulillah. But Abu Dawood and people like him were so ambitious in getting reward for a good deed, that they didn’t let an opportunity slip by without earning it.

That is why as soon as Abu Dawood heard Alhamdulillah, not sure that his response could reach the ship, he rented a small boat for three dirhams, went up to the ship, responded with Yarhamukullah and came back. His biographer says that it was then that he heard: “Abu Dawood! Today you have purchased Paradise for just three dirhams.”

Without doubt Imam Dawood must have written innumerable traditions, must have prayed a lot, and done lot of good deeds, but in purchasing Paradise these acts of worship were not mentioned. What accounted was this small act, and Allah (SWT) liked it so much that He decided Paradise in favor of Abu Dawood for this small act. These people were conscious of Prophet (SAW)’s etiquettes and his traditions and always kept them close to their heart. Imagine how much they must have cared for obligatory and mandatory acts, the Fara’iz.

Gaping, sneezing, stretching, and yawning are all in human nature and they find expression every now and than. A Shari’ah follower makes them a source to seek Allah (SWT)’s pleasure, by adhering to Prophet (SAW)’s traditions. People, who are conscious of minor things, never forget major things.

This tradition tells us that the one who sneezes should say “Alhamdulillah”, that all praise and glory be to Allah (SWT), and the one who hears this should respond with “Yarhamukallah”, that is this sneeze may be the source of Khair and blessing for you.” According to certain traditions, it is Alhamdulillahi Rubbil Aalameen. Ibn-e-Abi Shaibah has quoted Sayyidina Ali Karamallah Wajhu in his book “Musannif” that whoever sneezes and says: Alhamdulillahi Rubbil Aalameen ala kulli haal.” will never have a tooth ache or ear problem.

Sneezing in fact is cleansing of the brain and serves as a refresher. It is Allah’s great gift for health and well being. Naturally one should thank Allah for such a blessing.

Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlavi has written that sneeze is caused by the opening of body pores, physical lightness, and less intake of food. One tradition says that sneeze is from Allah, and it shouldn’t be checked. Some scholars have opined that breathing is temporarily affected during sneezing. It may be though for mini seconds, yet one should thank Allah (SWT) that life is continues after this short interruption.

It is said in this context, that to respond a sneeze, it is a right of one Muslim over another. The one who sneezes should say Alhamdulillah loudly so that others may hear and respond. If one doesn’t say Alhamdulillah after sneezing, or says it so quietly that no one could hear, he then doesn’t get a response in return. If one sneezes continuously, than responding three times is enough, unless some one wants to continue. Another thing in this respect is that one who says Yarhamukullah, should also by responded by the person who sneezes with “Yahdeekumullah, wa yuslihu balakum”, meaning that Allah (SWT) guide you to the right path and better or reform your condition.” This response should also be given when a non-Muslim sneezes.

This should be remembered that sneezing during prayers doesn’t require you to say Alhamdulillah, and if it is said by mistake, it doesn’t invalidate the prayer.

Yawning is a sign of tardiness, carelessness, and lethargy. According to a tradition, Shaitaan enjoys seeing some one yawn. According to another tradition, one should control yawns, and cover his mouth with his hand. Yawn disfigures the face and produces an ugly sound.

As far as stretching and belching is concerned, nothing is found recorded in traditions of Prophet (SAW), but certainly these are bad manners. Books about Prophet (SAW) tell us that he didn’t yawn, or stretch. Hafiz Ibn-e-Hajar has copied these traditions in his book “Fateh-ul-Baari. According to Tirmizi, the popular book of traditions, when a person belched, Prophet (SAW) told him to control, because the people who overfill their stomach in this world, will be very hungry in the Hereafter.

In the observance of these few manners, you will follow Prophet (SAW) traditions, please Allah (SWT), clean your body, purify your soul, and achieve moral excellence. These are some Islamic social etiquettes, which we should always remember to observe.

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