Friday, July 4, 2003



Prophet (SAW) was returning from the highly painful journey of Taa’if. His wounds were bleeding, and he was overtaken by grief. To avoid mischief mongers, he took refuge in an orchard, which belonged to Utbah and Sheybah, the sons of Rabi’ah. After Prophet (SAW) found some comfort under the shade of grape vines, he raised his hands in supplication to Allah Jalla Shaana’hu. The words of this supplication are unique, and written record shows that he did not use these words on any other occasion. Some sentences of the Du’aa are:

“Yaa Allah I submit to You the grievance of my weakness and lack of my strength, grievance of the failure of my plan, and of my humiliation and disrespect in the sight of people. Yaa Allah You are the most Kind and Merciful of all the kind and merciful, You are the Sustainer of the week and humble, You are my Rubb… I seek refuge in the Noor of Your Supreme Majesty, which lightens up and eliminates all darkness and ensures success in here and the Hereafter.”

Both brothers Utbah and Sheybah were witnessing the oppression of street urchins who inflicted wounds on the body of Prophet (SAW), and the distress and helplessness of Prophet (SAW). Humanity in them prompted some compassion, and they asked their slave Addaas to take a bunch of grapes in a platter and give to the Prophet (SAW) and ask them to eat. Addaas did as he was told.

Prophet (SAW) was tired, exhausted, hungry and thirsty. In this state of loneliness and deprivation, when he saw this hospitality extended, immediately his heart was filled with thanks and gratitude to Allah (SWT). Always cognizant, mindful and thankful to Allah’s blessings, Prophet (SAW) recited BismilLahhirRahmannirRaheem even before he touched the grapes. Addaas was amazed to hear the words of Rahmaan and Raheem in that environment of paganism, atheism (kufr) and polytheism (shirk). He said that people of the town did not know or say such words. Seeing his amazement, Prophet (SAW) asked as to which place Addaas originally belonged to? Addaas said he was a Christian and came from Naynawaa. Prophet (SAW) exclaimed to him that Naynawaa was the place of Allah’s pious bondsman Hazrat Yunus (AS). Wonderstruck Addaas asked the Prophet (SAW) as to how did he know Hazrat Yunus (AS). Prophet (SAW) told him that Hazrat Yunus (AS) was he his brother and was a prophet and that he the Prophet (SAW) himself was also a prophet. Hearing this Addaas bowed down in respect, touched Prophet (SAW)’s feet, and kissed them and kissed his hands and forehead.

Utbah and Shaybah saw what was going on. They said to each other that the stranger in their orchard had spoiled their slave. On his return, both brothers asked Addaas as to what happened and why did he kiss the stranger so passionately. Addaas replied and said that there was no better person on earth than the one whom he had served grapes. No one can say what he said unless he is a Prophet. Invoking the name of Allah before Allah’s given food had touched and moved me deeply. It is not a small thing. It is the height of man’s loyalty and faithfulness to Allah. I have lost my heart to him and I am totally overtaken by faith in this Prophet (SAW). Wonder struck by the statement, Utbah and Shaybah were dumbfounded.

Addaas discovered the significance of Bismillah, and the underlying truth behind these words. Any one who is blessed with Eemaan and recognizes the Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of Allah (SWT) cannot help but submit to the importance of its deep encompassing meaning.

In the pre-Islamic days of Jaahilliya, people used to invoke the names of their idols before undertaking any activity. To erase this tradition of ignorance, Hazrat Jibreel (AS) brought the first revelation “Iqra bismi Rabbikallazi Khalaq. – Proclaim or read the Qur’an with the name of Allah, the Lord and the Cherisher. Research scholars say that every scripture started with BismilLah. It means that all the earlier scriptures and the Holy Qur’an have one thing in common, but the whole Aayah “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful” in its complete form is peculiar to the Holy Qur’an and the Ummah of Prophet (SAW). According to certain traditions, Prophet (SAW) used to start his activities with “Bismikallahumma”, but when this Aaya was revealed in full, it replaced the earlier tradition forever.

Qur’an and Hadith command us to initiate any activity with Bismillah. Prophet (SAW) said that any activity without BismilLahhirRahmannirRaheem remains incomplete and un-blessed. According to one tradition, Prophet (SAW) advised to recite Bismillah before closing the door, extinguishing the lamp, covering the utensil, eating and drinking, making wudu, embarking or disembarking a means of transportation, and slaughtering an animal. It is advisable to recite and not write BismilLah, if you think that the paper will be thrown or subjected to disrespect.

“By instructing man to begin everything with the name of Allah, Islam has given an orientation to renew mankind’s allegiance to the covenant with Allah that nothing he does, not even his very being can come into existence without the will and help of Allah. Thus all worldly activities and each movement and gesture is transformed into an act of worship. This brief recitation, neither consumes time nor energy, yet how immense is the gain --- it is a regular alchemy, transmuting the dunyaa into deen. Unlike a disbeliever, when a Muslim begins to eat by saying Bismillah, he affirms that it was not in his power to obtain this little morsel of food which has passed through innumerable stages from the sowing of the seed to the reaping of the harvest, which during its process required the labors of the wind, the rain, the sun, of the heavens and the earth, and a thousand of men --- and that is Allah alone, who has granted him this morsel of food or this draft of water by making it go through all these stages. Unlike a disbeliever, a Muslim goes to sleep and wakes up with the name of Allah and thus inculcates the remembrance of Allah in his nature and turns all these acts into worship. Similarly, in saying Bismillah while getting on to a means of transportation, the Muslim testifies to the fact that it is beyond the power of man to produce it and to procure it, and that is only the infallible and divinely-created order of things that has brought together from all corners of the world - the wood, the steel, and other materials which have gone into the making of this means of transportation, as well as the engineers and mechanics who have given it a particular shape to travel on land, in water or in the air, and the driver, the pilot or ship captain – and finally Allah put all these into the service of man. Subhaan Allah. So then, praised be to Allah for the religion of Islam and its teachings.

There is no other Zikr, which can strengthen and uplift the moral and the spirit. In the 24-hour cycle of life, there is no other prescription, which reconnects us to Allah and reminds us of His blessing, which we take for granted. We need to start all our activities, verbal, written, and physical with this blessed Kalima. We need to train our children and the members of our household to remember it. It creates trust, dependence, and faith in Allah’s backing and support in all our activities, and ensures success.

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