Friday, May 30, 2003



Allah (SWT)’s guidance from day one came to mankind through His different messengers. From Hazrat Adam (AS) to Hazrat Eesa (AS) everyone’s mission was either limited to a given region, to a given people, or it was meant for a given period of time. That is the reason that no single scripture is available in its original and pure form. Also, no complete record of any prophet or messenger is available. Whatever is available about prophets is neither complete nor authentic, or accurately documented.

This is not a coincidence, but it is Allah’s plan and will to keep only that Book intact, inalterable and safe until eternity, which is total and complete in all respects. In Prophet (SAW)’s person is completed the chain of all prophets. His life with all its minute details and dimensions is safe like the meanings and the words of the Holy Qur’an. Even those hidden aspects of Prophet’s life, which may elude the attention of an average biographer, has not escaped the attention of the scrutinizing pen of meticulously critical zealous historians. Every single word that was ever uttered by Prophet (SAW), his communication, his letters, his smile, his body language, expressions of his face, his emotions of pleasure and pain, his styles, even how much gray hair he had as he grew in age, has been recorded by those exemplary companions who loved him over, above and beyond every thing. In fact his companions can be compared to a video or move camera, which didn’t let any single moment pass without having recorded and saved it for all times to come. These companions became the moving images of leading light throughout the world. There has never been and will never be a person of such a towering importance and magnitude whose life was or will be recorded minute by minute and second by second.

This extraordinary and special arrangement attests that the message of Prophet (SAW) is total, complete and perfect. And the message very rightly attests to this claim in Surah Al-Maa’idah. Allah (SWT) says “ This moment I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you and have chosen for you as Al-Islam your religion.”

The perfection of this comprehensive message encircles all possible aspects of human life. Prophet (SAW)’s multidimensional personality gives guidance in beliefs, worship, inter-personal relations, social etiquettes, ethics, morals, politics, state-craft, foreign relations, good governance, public administration, law and jurisprudence, just a few to mention.

Prophet (SAW) had himself advised his companions to copy and report to others without hesitation all words and actions of his personal, private and social life. Prophet (SAW) led a life not only among those who loved him, but also among his bitter foes. Even his worst enemies did not and could not raise a finger on his up-righteousness, honesty, integrity, magnanimity, generosity and nobility.

Ibn-e-Hishaam in his monumental works tells us that once the kingpins of Quraish were talking about Prophet (SAW). Nazar bin Harith, who was known for his knowledge, wisdom and experience told the assembly of elders, chiefs and leaders that you all know Muhammad (SAW) from his early childhood; he is one of the most trustworthy, honest, and noble person. Now, when there is silver in his hair, you call him a magician, a soothsayer, a poet, or possessed by an evil spirit. I swear by God, I have heard him speak, and he is none of what you think of him.

Islam invites people from all walks of life, from all stratum of society, from all possible diverse backgrounds to follow the perfect and ideal model of Prophet (SAW)’s life. No aspect or dimension of human life is beyond the scope of Prophet (SAW)’s teachings and guidance. Once a Jew sarcastically and tauntingly told a Sahaabi, that your Prophet even teaches the most ordinary and trivial things. The Sahaabi giving him a befitting rebuttal said that yes, our Prophet (SAW) teaches us even the etiquettes of using the bathroom. Since perfection and permanence go hand in hand, Prophet (SAW)’s message is perfect, and absolutely eternal.

Prophet (SAW) first cleared the fog of ‘Shirk” and connected mankind with one and the only Creator. Surah Al-Ikhlaas succinctly mentions “Tawheed” in just a few sentences:
“Say: He is Allah the One and Only; Allah is self-sufficient. He begets not, nor is He begotten; And there is none comparable to Him.” This Surah tells that the relationship between the Creator and the created is permanent and eternal. Prophet (SAW) has given a distinct honor to man that he can’t bow to any one but Allah and no one can look after him and his needs but Allah. Surah Al-Jinn says: “All places of worship are for Allah; so do not invoke any one with Allah.”

Prophet (SAW) destroyed the concept of religious bureaucracy, liberated man from man’s slavery and wiped out the role of the intermediary between Allah and His bondsmen. There is no pope, priest, or Brahmin in Islam. Any practicing believer can lead the prayers, and perform all duties and services as told in Aayah 60 of Surah Al-Momin: “Your Lord has said: “Call to Me that I may answer your call. Surely, those who disdain worshipping Me will enter Hell, disgraced”.

Prophet (SAW) demolished the idols of race, color, language and nationality. On the conquest of Makkah al-Mukarramah, he made the historical declaration “O people of Quraish, Allah has destroyed all complexes of racial superiority. All men are from Adam and Adam is from dust.”

The farewell sermon of Prophet (SAW) marked the culmination point of the Allah’s Din. The address encompasses each and every problem of this world and the Hereafter. It is teaching of Islam in a nutshell. In fact nothing is left uncommunicated. Read it and you will discover that this short address embodies the fountainhead of all philosophy and wisdom that there is. Volumes can be written on each point that Prophet (SAW) covered in this historic address. One point he declared is that no Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no white is superior to a black and no black is superior to a white but only on the grounds of piety (Taqwah). This reminds us of Aayah 13 of Surah Al-Hujaraat. Allah (SWT) says: “O men, We created you from a male and a female, and formed you into nations an tribes that you may recognize each other.”

The pre-Islamic world failed to understand that nothing is good or bad by its very nature. People attributed it to 2 gods: god of the good and god of the bad. Prophet (SAW) made it clear that application determines the result. Darkness if devoted to prayers is good, and if the cover of darkness is used to commit crime, it is bad. Fire is a source of comfort, yet its misuse can burn and cause havoc. Quran’s say in Surah As-Shams: “By the soul and Him who perfected it and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it.”

May Allah (SWT) enable us to acquire knowledge and use all Allah’s given knowledge to achieve success in both the worlds. Aameen!

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